Saturday, September 10, 2011

Best Strawberry Lemonade

What you’ll need:
-1-can of frozen lemonade
-1-24 oz Wal-Mart brand of frozen strawberries w/ sugar.
-Sugar- to taste (I use ½ to 1 cup)
-Large Pitcher
-Wire Strainer
Thaw the strawberries.  Blend strawberries, sugar and about 1 cup of water. 
Strain,  I do this about 3 to 4 times to get as many seeds out as possible, if you like pulp strain once or not at all.
I have to use a spoon to unplug the little holes; this will also make it go faster.  You should only have to do this the first time, which is when I get rid of the most pulp.
That is A LOT of pulp.
Use the pitcher and the blender to drain back and forth.
Mix in lemonade with water in a large pitcher. 
I add water to taste, keep tasting while adding water to get it to the way you will like it. My pitcher is usually as full as I can get it and end up with a little over a gallon.

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